Would you say that your faith, which is also connected with a certainty of salvation, gives your work a confident note?

The knowledge that the misery of the world, that suffering and guilt are saved in the history of salvation?

Felicitas Hoppe:

“Assurance of salvation” has no place in literature. The concept of "being taken care of" is better. I don't know what's coming, I don't know what the universe is like. But I have a basic sense of order, not chaos. I feel like things are falling into place. And that is of course central for an artist: if I believed that we were living in pure chaos, I would not have the courage to create small artistic orders that mirror a larger one. The gift of form is the gift of meaning. A replica of creation in miniature. I feel that I am in good hands. This feeling cannot be acquired or preached or demanded. It may be tried to share, but the truth is that it is indivisible, it is a gift.