Tweeters commemorate the third anniversary of the death of Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq ... "Make young people read"

Today, April 2, marks the third anniversary of the death of the Egyptian writer Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq, who died on this day in 2018.

The pioneers of social networking sites commemorated this anniversary on their pages, by launching the hashtag # Ahmed Khaled_Tawfiq, and the #Memory of the Departure of the Godfather, and they circulated the most prominent writings and famous phrases of "The Godfather".

Tweeters emphasized that the "godfather" has not departed from their memories, especially since his fictional works inspired a large generation of young people in many fields. One of the tweets said: "Today is my memory and the death of my writing model .. He is gone, but his love still inhabits our hearts .. It was his visit. Short, but I carried a lot of memories in our hearts .. He lived his life struggling to make young people read .. I would like to ask you to forgive him his sins and enter your paradise and dwell in him in a higher paradise. "

Another said: "Goodbye, stranger .. Your stay was short, but it was wonderful .. I hope you will find your paradise that you searched for a lot .. Goodbye, stranger .. Your visit was a dance of shade dances .. A drop of dew drops before sunrise .. ".

Tweeters expressed their admiration for the writings of "The Godfather" Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq, and said that it had a great impact on them in the field of reading, writing and knowledge. One of them said: “Today, April 2, the anniversary of the death of Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq ... the man to whom I owe everything I know. Even if it was not a direct cause in it. Simply because it was the cause at the beginning of everything .. ".

Tweeters pointed out that Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq's writings embodied reality in a big way, describing his style as "genius." One of them said: "Whoever reads to him knows exactly how well he reads reality and how he achieved something great from what he wrote with his hand or uttered by his tongue, and this is only because of the strength of his intelligence and the unity of his mind." He added, above all, with the splendor of his pen, by making us see what he saw .. It is enough for you to read one book of his to see how genius he is, and that we do not exaggerate in describing him with that. "

On their part, the tweeters traded their favorite writings and quotes by the writer Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq, and one of the most frequently used phrases among them was: “I think that a person’s misery stems from sitting with someone who does not understand him, and even misunderstands him constantly !, Human misery does not stem from the fact that he does not find companionship, but rather Because he does not find the right company! Therefore, having someone to whom you can tell what is going on inside you without him being misunderstood is the greatest blessing that you can get. "

"As if we were destined to live like this, hanging in the middle of all things, we do not like what happens and what we love do not happen."

"We shine exceptionally around those we love, and we turn off if we are around the wrong person. You are not one person, you are always the result of some interaction." 

 It is noteworthy that Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq was an Egyptian doctor, writer, author and translator.

He is considered the first Arab writer in the field of horror literature.

And most famous in the fields of youth literature, fantasy, and science fiction.

He was called "the godfather."