
The founder and head of the Mainz-based pharmaceutical company Biontech, Ugur Sahin, may consider a tough lockdown in the summer to be necessary.

You have to wait and see if the numbers drop in warmer weather and in summer, says Sahin to the RTL / ntv channels.

"If we don't see a trend reversal, we have to go into a strong lockdown again."

Sahin adds: "Unfortunately, we are already so far with the number of infections in Europe and also in Germany that we can no longer wait until stricter measures are introduced." get back to normal at the end of summer and avoid a new lockdown in winter.

"We expect that we will also see a vaccination effect from the end of May."

Sahin also spoke out in favor of brisk use of the existing vaccine: “You should inoculate all vaccines you have as quickly as possible.

Also in the confidence that new vaccines will be delivered weekly. ”No vaccine should be set aside for second vaccinations.

"I consider the risk that vaccines will not be delivered now and that the second vaccination has to be postponed in people as low," said the head of the Mainz company.


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