, Guangzhou, March 29th. Title: "Post-80s" beauty who fell in love with winter swimming: became "net celebrities" during the epidemic

  China News Service reporter Tang Guijiang

  "I have always liked winter swimming. In the past two years, live broadcasts on the Internet have been quite popular. I tried to broadcast the winter swimming. I didn't expect so many people to follow me." Liu Yunchi, a "post-80s" who works in the government, looked very beautiful during the epidemic last year. Okay, she became an internet celebrity because of the winter swimming accident and now has more than 200,000 fans.

Recently, Liu Yunchi was interviewed by reporters in Guangzhou and introduced her story about winter swimming.

Liu Yunchi has more than 200,000 Douyin fans.

Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Fall in love with winter swimming due to pressure from life and work

  "Due to long-term desk work and lack of exercise, severe cervical strain and frozen shoulders, and extremely high psychological pressure." Liu Yunchi introduced, in July 2018, influenced by members of the Luxi County Winter Swimming Association in Jiangxi Province, she began to study Swim and try winter swimming that year.

  Winter swimming refers to swimming in outdoor waters (including rivers, rivers, lakes, seas and other natural waters and reservoirs and other artificial waters) in winter under natural water temperature.

That is, the beginning of winter and the beginning of spring are supplemented by the temperature below 10 ℃ as the standard definition of winter swimming; winter swimming is regarded as the "three baths" that integrates cold water bath, air bath and sun bathing, and is also the favorite fitness method of winter swimming people.

  "Many people around you are very curious. You dare to go into the water in a swimsuit on such a cold day." Liu Yunchi introduced with a smile. When he first started, he was also playing drums. Sometimes the temperature in Pingxiang, Jiangxi is very cold in winter, and he feels the freezing river Go down, "In fact, it takes a lot of courage!"

  "However, after you get used to it, you will find that this is a particularly good fitness exercise." Liu Yunchi said, "Can the pony cross the river", you must first try bravely yourself so that you can discover a different self.

Liu Yunchi participated in the activities of the local winter swimming association.

Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Live broadcast unexpectedly became "net celebrity" during the epidemic

  Liu Yunchi, who fell in love with winter swimming, was out of control afterwards.

On December 30, 2018, it snowed in Pingxiang, the temperature was 0 degrees, and the water temperature was 12 degrees. Liu Yunchi was swimming in heavy snow with goose feathers for the first time, achieving the first breakthrough in his life.

  Because of swimming, Liu Yunchi began to participate in swimming events across the country after work.

On January 1, 2019, Liu Yunchi participated in the 13th Winter Swimming 50*6 Mixed Relay Competition in Pingxiang City.

Practice breaststroke on January 25, 2019.

  On May 25, 2019, Liu Yunchi crossed Zijiang in Yiyang City, Hunan Province.

On September 15, 2019, as an amateur, Liu Yunchi participated in the 2200-meter swimming competition of Mingyue Lake in Pingxiang City and won the 7th place in women.

  Affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic in 2020, more and more people realize the importance of fitness. Liu Yunchi has a brainstorm and hopes that more people will learn about and fall in love with winter swimming, exercise and improve immunity.

  On March 25, 2020, Liu Yunchi began to open outdoor swimming live broadcast on the Douyin platform, allowing more people to learn about winter swimming, popularize winter swimming knowledge, and spread positive energy.

She insisted on opening a live swimming broadcast every morning, and was determined to be herself amidst doubts; without the help of institutions and external forces, she successfully attracted more than 200,000 fans, and at most tens of thousands of people watched it online.

Liu Yunchi and his team won the swimming competition.

Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Winter swimming makes life more exciting

  “It’s really surprising to be paid attention to by so many people.” Liu Yunchi, who has always been outgoing and lively, was once depressed because of some trivial things in life and work, but because of the winter swimming, Liu Yunchi became more and more active and active. Sunshine, all the friends around him said: "The familiar Liu Yunchi is back again."

  "After the broadcast, many fans will interact with me to exchange their swimming experience and experience. They also use this platform to meet a lot of friends who love swimming. Everyone often organizes some activities." Liu Yunchi introduced, although the online friends are quite different. Qi, but more is the warm current between friends and feel a lot of upward power.

  "Swimming has also made my body better." She used to catch a cold. Now she has a rare cold once a year, and even if she catches a cold, it will get better soon; Jiangxi’s winter is actually very cold and there is no central heating. After the winter swimming, he was not as afraid of the cold as before.

Liu Yunchi jokingly said: "The ability to carry freezing has been significantly improved!"

  "Winter swimming is very cold. Every day entering the water is a new challenge. Without super courage and perseverance, you can't hold on." Liu Yunchi said, unknowingly he has been swimming for three consecutive years. Now even in normal times, There will be a live broadcast of swimming because she hopes to drive more people to fall in love with the healthy sport of swimming, "I believe, maybe next time we meet, my fans will become half a million." (End)