A person working on a computer.



This is an aspect that we rarely discuss, on an already taboo subject.

Out of 1,000 new cases of cancer diagnosed every day, in France, 400 concern people in professional activity.

Almost 30% of them would lose or quit their jobs and only one in three people, unemployed at the time of diagnosis, would find a job.

A difficult situation which wishes to tackle the charter "Cancer and employment" of the National Cancer Institute, signed a few days ago by the University Hospital of Angers, the Nantes University Hospital, the West Cancer Institute and several large companies in the region.

The text, which is based on 11 commitments, insists on individual support to be provided to the patient but also to his employer, in order to facilitate the employee's return to employment, despite potential consequences and sometimes after a long absence.

Have you had cancer and this disease disrupted your professional life?

What difficulties have you encountered?

What helped you or, on the contrary, missed you during your absence and then when you came back to work?

Have you been subjected to remarks by your colleagues or superiors?

You can testify by filling out the form below.

Your testimonials will be used in writing an article.

Thank you in advance.

  • Employees

  • Health

  • Cancer

  • Testimony

  • Employment

  • Job