Demonstration to preserve the climate, illustration -

Francisco Seco / AP / SIPA

A few thousand people began to demonstrate this Sunday in Paris for "a real climate law", on the eve of the examination in the Assembly of the government project resulting from the Citizen's Convention for the Climate (CCC), criticized for its "Lack of ambition".

More than 180 gatherings of the same type were planned across France in order to "revive the citizen dynamic", according to Elodie Nace, from Alternatiba, one of the organizing movements.

Dozens of NGOs, unions and parties have called for demonstrations, in particular to ask deputies to "improve" the government text.

Several parliamentarians present

Several parliamentarians were present at the start of the Parisian procession including the leader of rebellious France Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the president of Generation Ecology Delphine Batho, the former LREM deputy Cédric Villani.

Behind a head banner "For a real climate law Stop blah blah" the demonstrators began to march chanting in particular: "so-so-solidarity, with the citizens, of the CCC!"


Many members of the Climate Convention, an unprecedented exercise in participatory democracy called by Emmanuel Macron, from which the government's “climate and resilience” law has emerged, have also joined the movement.

A meaningless text

"There are no possible negotiations with the climate, it's a race against time," said the director and environmental activist Cyril Dion, who was "guarantor" of the CCC before denouncing the translation of his proposals. by the executive, which "absolutely does not allow France to keep its objectives" in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions ".

The first gatherings also took place in the regions, such as in Saint-Etienne, where nearly 400 people marched behind a banner “Climate emergency, there is still time to act”.

The government law text is "so downward that it no longer makes sense," said Bénédicte, a protester, for example.

Barbara Pompili approves the marches

But the Minister of Ecological Transition, Barbara Pompili, for her part defended the text once again on Sunday, assuring France Inter that it would remain as "one of the greatest laws of the five-year term".

"The change of dimension, we will see it in all moments of our life," assured the Minister.

"I continue to fight to have the most ambitious measures possible," she continued, saying "hope" that parliamentarians could still vote certain "advances".

Asked about the demonstrations against her text, she considered that "the climate marches, it is very good that they exist".

"I am happy that this concern is still there."


Climate bill: Is there still time to rectify the situation for the last major environmental law of the five-year term?


Nantes: More than 2,000 young people "hotter than the climate" in the street

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