
Baden-Württemberg's Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann promised further talks between the federal and state governments about a hard lockdown at the beginning of the week.

"First of all, we all think about such things," said Kretschmann on Saturday evening in Stuttgart.

“We also have to discuss this with other countries in advance, with the Federal Chancellery.

We just see that the numbers are literally racing up. ”During the discussions on Monday and Tuesday, one had to“ come to terms with clarity ”.

The Green did not say whether the next conference of the Prime Ministers with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), which is actually only planned for April 12, should be brought forward.

Regarding the proposal by Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) to shut down social life properly for 10 to 14 days because of the rapidly increasing numbers of infections, Kretschmann said: “From a pandemic point of view, that would be best.” However, one must carefully weigh up whether it makes sense and is feasible be to close everything. 

Meanwhile, the Berlin Senate is not taking back the recent easing of the corona measures, but wants to secure them by significantly expanding corona tests.

From Wednesday, a negative corona test is a prerequisite for every Berliner in order to be able to go shopping in shops beyond supermarkets, pharmacies or drugstores.

The governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) announced this after a Senate meeting on Saturday.

The Senate wants to make companies more accountable.

In the future, companies will have to enable their employees to have a corona test twice a week.

However, there is no obligation to test for employees.

In addition, a mandatory implementation of the home office will apply in the future.

The presence in the offices will be limited to 50 percent, said Müller.


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