
Suspected right-wing extremists attacked police officers in downtown Chemnitz on Saturday.

According to a dpa reporter, bottles were thrown at officials.

The attackers were around 20 people, but the number was much larger.

When asked, the police initially had no information on the extent of the attacks.

It was said that there was briefly a "dynamic" in the incident.

But that only lasted a few minutes.

There was also talk of throwing bottles on Twitter.

A rally by critics of the corona measures on Saturday, as well as a counter-demonstration, had been banned by the city.

The applicants for the alliance "Chemnitz stands up" later failed with urgent applications both at the administrative court in Chemnitz and at the higher administrative court in Bautzen.


The police had prepared for an operation regardless of the outcome of a legal dispute.

The officials received reinforcements from colleagues from Thuringia and Baden-Württemberg, among others.