Director Steven Spielberg and his wife, actress Kate Capshaw -

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Steven Spielberg is committed to the fight against economic and racial injustices by donating his Genesis Prize, the “Jewish Nobel Prize”, whose reward is one million dollars.

His wife, actress Kate Capshaw, is adding $ 1 million to the cause.

The couple's donation will go to ten nonprofits working on economic and racial justice in the United States: Avodah, Black Voters Matter, Collaborative for Jewish Organizing, Dayenu - A Jewish Call to Climate Action, Jews of Color Initiative , Justice for Migrant Women, National Domestic Workers Alliance, Native American Rights Fund, One Fair Wage and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, reveals the

Hollywood Reporter


In crisis

According to the director of

Schindler's List

, the urgency is real.

"America is going through a crisis, and our responsibility is to act, and to act now, so that America can be America again", he explains, pasticizing Donald Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again ”.

“Judaism and Jewish history begin with two stories: Genesis and Exodus, two stories of creation and liberation from oppression, and the discovery of moral voice and human dignity.

From there come the ethical principles pushing us to work for a more just and equitable world, ”he adds, saying he is“ honored to be one of the winners of the Genesis Prize ”.

This is not the first time that winners have donated their award.

Michael Bloomberg, Itzhak Perlman, or Anish Kapoor had done the same.


Natalie Portman refuses to go to Israel to receive the Genesis Prize

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  • Steven spielberg

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