Actress Shin-ae Seo expressed his position on the allegations related to Sujin's school days, member of the girl group (girls) children.

Earlier, Sujin denied the suspicion of abusing her surroundings, and urged her to express her position, saying that she did not bother her classmate, actor Seo Shin-ae, and had never spoken with her.

On the 26th, on his SNS, Seo Shin-ae said, "The one who mentioned me for two years was on the back road, break corridors, catering rooms, and unpleasant profanity and giggles with the crowd everywhere every day. ,'He's an old celebrity anyway','That's why he's bullied','I don't know why teachers treat me specially because they like what they like'.

At the same time, Seo Shin-ae said, "It may have been just the envy and jealousy of young students, or it may have been words that seemed to pass by, but for me, the words that hurt deep in my heart have remained until now." "Fears about it began to arise."

Shin-ae Seo dropped out of high school and went on to college through the GED.

In particular, Seo Shin-ae aimed at Sujin, saying, "I can't remember and have never spoken with me, but that's right. It was only a one-sided insult". No, I'm sorry for making the decision," he stressed.

A netizen A, who previously claimed to be an alumni with Sujin, claimed that Sujin had committed school violence in the past.

After Mr. A's revelation, Seo Shin-ae indirectly posted a post that seemed to empower Mr. A's allegations through his SNS, and Sujin's suspicion of school violence intensified.

Sujin confirmed the situation at the time through various evidences and witnesses, refuted that Mr. A's claim was not true or exaggerated, and asked for a direct expression of his position on Shin-ae.

(SBS Entertainment News reporter Kang Kyung-yoon)