A study: Middle-aged women are more likely to have long-term symptoms of Covid

Two studies supervised by two universities in Britain found that middle-aged women suffer from more severe and longer-lasting symptoms after being treated in hospitals when contracting Covid-19 disease, according to the British BBC website.

After five months of infection with the virus, 70 percent of the patients who were subjected to the study remained suffering from anxiety, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle pain, and a loss of the ability to focus and remember "or what is known as a brain fog."

Understanding how women's bodies fight disease could help explain why they recovered the slowest.

One of the studies, the largest and is led by the University of Leicester, has yet to be reviewed.

This study followed more than a thousand patients in Britain who were admitted to hospital due to Covid-19 disease last year, and found that up to 70 percent of them did not fully recover from the symptoms of the disease after about five months of leaving the hospital, and that the women were the most affected.

Note that more than 400,000 people in Britain have been admitted to hospitals due to infection with the Coronavirus since the beginning of the epidemic.