Elisabeth de Feydeau, the perfume is the bouquet!

Audio 48:30

Elisabeth de Feydeau presents her "Dictionary of Perfume Lovers" published by Plon editions.

© Yves Marzin

By: Jean-François Cadet Follow

51 mins

Through her "Dictionary of Perfume Lovers", historian Elisabeth de Feydeau transports our imagination to the sensual world of perfume, through great figures in history, different anecdotes, cultures and eras. 


Elisabeth de Feydeau

today tells a story of love, seduction and desire.

But it is neither cinema, nor painting, nor literature, even if all these artistic disciplines have spoken about it.

It's a story of notes, chords and dissonance, but it's not music, even if it's a composer's business too.

It is a story of glass and resin, but it is not matter, even if it is never far from crafts.

If you have a nose, you guessed it: from the letter A like "Absolute" to the letter Z like "Damn!

", Let us be carried away by" the fastest means of transport ", as Louise de Vilmorin said mischievously: perfume.

Elisabeth de Feydeau's “Dictionary of Perfume Lovers” has been published by Plon editions.



 ten years ago, in March 2011, in the context of the Arab Spring, the Syrian revolution was born.

A pacifist movement against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, which has turned into armed conflict.

More than 5 million people have fled the violence.

Among them, the artist Najah Albukai.

The house of poetry organized, this Saturday March 20, 2021, an evening around his works,

Fanny Bleichner

saw it for us, by interposed screen. 


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