Dear Ms. Gess, let's start with a question that Lukian von Samosata asked in a very similar way in his “Lies Friend”: What may be the reason that people are so great lovers of untruths or half-truths?

Nicola Gess:

Lukian has superstition in mind; but if you think of lies and half-truths in today's understanding, then you could perhaps say: people use un- or half-truths when they use them; they believe in them when they give them security, because they allow them to hold onto previous convictions, for example. You can also understand your question as follows: Why are people so fascinated by lies and half-truths? This is because we are much more free in the realm of falsehood than that of the facts. There are no limits to the imagination, even in the area of ​​untruth. And of course half-truths sometimes have a certain entertainment value.