March 23, 2021 is the 61st World Meteorological Day. The theme is "Oceans, Our Climate and Weather". It aims to help people understand the inseparable connection between the ocean, climate and weather. It also commemorates the United Nations. The launch of the implementation plan for the Decade of Marine Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).

  More and more observational facts show that today's climate system of the earth is in a very fragile balance.

According to the climate statement recently issued by the World Meteorological Organization, 2011-2020 is the warmest decade since meteorological records, and 2020 is one of the three warmest years since meteorological records.

The global ocean warming will continue in 2020, becoming the warmest year since modern ocean observation records. The ocean is in the process of undisputed warming.

Today, when the impact of climate change is increasingly prominent, the interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere has become the focus of attention.

It is more important than ever to observe the ocean more precisely, and to understand the impact of the ocean on the climate and the changes in ocean currents.

(Dong Zeyu video source: China Meteorological Administration)

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]