Angela Richter:

How many of the respondents have experienced abuse of power?

Thomas Schmidt:

Almost two thirds, 66.2 percent of all artists and employees have experienced abuse of power in the past few years.

That is a very high number and this abuse of power has it all: I then asked about the various facets: psychological abuse of power, light bullying, severe bullying.

Then the abuse of power, which is more of an institutional nature.

Then it says: If you go to the works council, you are a traitor!

It doesn't happen often, but these cases do exist.

These are cases that are beyond valid law in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The works council or the staff council, they are subject to the respective constitutional rights.

If these rights are impaired, you make yourself liable to prosecution.

Because that is a serious encroachment on the constitutional rights of our society.

It's like banning a union from working.

These are the institutional cases of abuse of power.


What other attacks have been reported?