
The federal-state conference will decide on Monday whether the lockdown should be extended until April 18.

The Federal Chancellery template published yesterday for the summit on coronavirus containment includes the extension as well as other measures.

There should be night curfews in regions that exceed the incidence value of 100.

Anne Will discussed with her guests the increasing number of infections, the vaccination strategy and the upcoming, presumably tightened lockdown.

In the studio sat the member of the Bundestag and doctor Janosch Dahmen (Greens), Ulrich Weigeldt (Federal Chairman of the German Association of General Practitioners) and political editor Samiha Shafy (“Die Zeit”).

Bundestag Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP) and Manuela Schwesig (SPD), Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania since 2017, were connected live.

The submission and the extended lockdown


On Sunday, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants rose nationwide to 103.9 within seven days.

The incidence value has thus passed an important political mark.

Chancellor Angela Merkel had spoken of an emergency brake that would then have to be pulled.

The conference of the Chancellor and Prime Minister of the 16 federal states offers the opportunity to do this today.

The draft decision of the Chancellery was published in advance.

Accordingly, the easing should be withdrawn since March 7th, should the incidence value exceed 100.

This means, for example, hairdressers and retail should then close - and schools and day-care centers are also threatened with closure.

A night curfew is also listed as part of the emergency brake in the template.

Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig thinks the emergency brake is the right one.

“The curfew has actually already existed and has been discussed in districts.” Mitterteich imposed a temporary curfew in the Upper Palatinate last year.

“Ultimately, however, this cannot be decided across the board,” says Schwesig, referring to the federal-state conference.

"The districts have to justify this explicitly."

Member of the Bundestag, Dahmen, calls for a tougher crackdown on the part of the federal government.

"We will have to go back to openings that we have already made," said the green.

"Hairdressers, hardware stores, to do everything again."


For journalist Samiha Shafy, Germany is acting too discouraged in the fight over the corona virus.

"Unfortunately, an emergency brake is not a strategy." Curfews and rapid tests are ultimately just crutches.

What is missing is what would really help out of the pandemic: rapid vaccination.

General practitioner association boss Ulrich Weigeldt: "I think the tough lockdown will not get us any further." The mutants of the corona virus will finally still be there after the end of an extended lockdown.

"We have to take differentiated and intelligent measures."

Measures against the third wave of coronavirus

In autumn 2020 everyone had the vaccine in sight and lost sight of all other measures, says Bundestag member Dahmen.

"For a dam against the third wave, we would have needed more rapid tests, functioning contact tracking and a stricter mask requirement," he says.

"We're paying the price now."


More than 120 measures by the federal states because of the corona virus have already been collected by the courts, says FDP man Kubicki.

“The lockdown obviously doesn't help.

So far I don't see that the three previous ones have brought anything. "

Schwesig describes the vaccines as the most important weapon.

“But that's not enough at the moment.

The day will come, probably in summer, when we will have a lot of vaccine.

Then everyone has to be involved. ”General practitioners, specialists and the vaccination centers.

Until then, the German citizens would have to be equipped with rapid tests.

Human medicine specialist Weigeldt: "We have to make vaccination easy and not discuss much."

Involve family doctors immediately

So far, vaccination with the three vaccines from Biontech, Moderna and AstraZeneca has not worked well in Germany.

Missing vaccine, slow implementation of the previous vaccination strategy to vaccinate those over 80 years of age.

After Easter, 50,000 family doctors are to vaccinate in addition to the vaccination centers.

Why so late? Weigeldt asks.

“The patients stand in our practices and ask: Why can't I be vaccinated here.

There is no objective reason to prioritize the vaccination centers, ”criticizes the head of the general practitioner association.

Model tests in rural districts have shown that it was possible to vaccinate family doctors without problems or to the detriment of the patient.

"We now have to get into 24/7 mode and should have included the general practitioners' practices from the start," says Bundestag member Dahmen.

Anyone who comes to the prostate examination must be vaccinated at the same time.

“More than three million vaccine doses were stored in the refrigerator for many weeks.

We have to pick up the pace and get away from German bureaucracy. "

For Kubicki, the priority given by the Standing Vaccination Commission, stating that the elders should be vaccinated first, is too rigid.

The family doctor must freely decide who should be vaccinated first.

Weigeldt, head of the general practitioner association, agrees.

He considers possible corruption and pretexts to be absurd and says: "The doctors can proceed in a more differentiated manner than a rigid vaccination strategy dictates."

Are schools and daycare centers about to close again?


"School closings have an efficiency gain of 30 percent downwards, with open schools the incidence increases accordingly," says Grünen-Mann Dahmen.

Prime Minister Schwesig does not want to leave the statement: “I cannot confirm that 30 percent come from schools and daycare centers.” Wolfgang Kubicki also counters: “Children can be infectious.

But schools are not pandemic drivers. "

All those in discussion called for a faster vaccination in Germany.

Journalist Shafy also calls for Germany to help vaccinate the world's population.

"Otherwise it can happen that the mutants continue to mutate and then come back to us." It is not yet possible to say whether the vaccines will also work on them.

With the Brazilian mutation recently detected in Mallorca, some vaccines may not work well enough.