Corona threatens some patients with diabetes

A recent British study was surprised with results indicating that scientists from different regions of the world believed that there is a growing body of evidence that the Corona virus can cause diabetes in some patients.

According to a report published by the British newspaper "The Guardian", Professor Francisco Robino, Head of the Department of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery at King's College London, revealed that over the past few months, the country has witnessed an increase in cases of patients who developed diabetes either during their infection with Corona, or soon after Short, pointing out that the virus has the ability to cause an imbalance in sugar metabolism.

He also called for a full investigation into the possible link between the two diseases, revealing that he had begun gathering and analyzing reports that evidence his words.

 The principal investigators of the registry, which received reports from more than 350 doctors suspected of having encountered one or more cases of diabetes caused by Covid, said that these numbers are difficult to ignore.

Some doctors also believed that Corona could lead to a completely new form of diabetes, according to the newspaper.

It is worth noting that there are some viral diseases that attack the pancreas and cause an imbalance in the metabolism of glucose in the blood, while the pancreas secretes the human hormone responsible for burning sugar.

Since the emergence of Corona until today, research has indicated that people with diabetes are the most vulnerable people to the pandemic.