[Commentary] What is the most popular class you have ever seen?



Wine culture and appreciation?

Recently, a new elective course "Cooking for College Students" was opened in Northwestern Polytechnical University, which was welcomed by the students.

It is understood that students can learn the basic theoretical knowledge of Chinese cooking culture in class, and at the same time experience the fun of cooking.

  [Concurrent] He Jianhua, a cooking class teacher

  This time we have a cooking class for college students. There are 8 class hours in the first phase, and then there are theories and practical operations, but each time the theory and the practical operations are interspersed, I will briefly tell you about the 5000-year history of cooking in China. , And then there are some homemade dishes and snacks.

It mainly focuses on Shaanxi cuisine, and mainly explains Shaanxi cuisine and Shaanxi local snacks.

  [Explanation] The reporter saw in the canteen of Northwestern Polytechnical University that the students were taking a theoretical knowledge class. Fish, tofu, condiments and other ingredients were already on the kitchen table.

After the theory class was over, the students changed into work clothes and stood in groups of three by the operating table, and began to listen to the teaching content of the cooking teacher.

In the practice session, the students cooperated with each other, according to the teacher's cooking method, through the steps of slicing fish, marinating, cutting vegetables, cooking vegetables, and adding seasonings, a home-cooked tomato fish was cooked.

  [Concurrent] Student Jin Hongru

  It’s not very good to make (dishes) by myself, and then the school just opened this course, and then there was more time for the senior year, so I was very active in enrolling in this course, and then after taking this course, I did learn a lot. Very practical kitchen skills, and also learn some new dishes, and then look forward to returning home during the holiday to share with my family.

  [Concurrent] Student Deng Yaxin

  This time I made this tomato fish, I think the most difficult thing is that when cutting the fish fillet, it is very difficult to grasp the strength, and the angle, it will be thick and thin, but in the end we made it and the result was still good of.

I just tasted the dishes we made, and I think I can score 7 points for myself, that is, the passing line is a little bit higher, which is actually much better than I thought.

  [Explanation] According to reports, the elective course of "Cooking for College Students" has been prepared for four or five years, during which research has been conducted, related books have been consulted, and teaching plans have been written.

After the school's research and review, this elective course will be opened in the new semester of 2021.

The course adopts the method of theoretical explanation and practical exercise. From processing and cooking to subsequent cleaning and cleaning of stoves, the whole process is completed by students. The grading standard will be comprehensively assessed according to the student's attendance and practical performance.

  [Concurrent] Li Shiting, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Catering Service Center of Northwestern Polytechnical University Logistics Industry Group

  The purpose of setting up this college student cooking elective course is to enable students to understand and understand the long history of Chinese cooking culture, understand the profoundness of our Chinese cooking skills, and at the same time learn to cook a few home-cooked dishes and local flavor snacks. By experiencing the joy of labor, the goal of labor education is achieved.

  Reporter Mei Yilong reports from Xi'an

Editor in charge: [Zhou Zhaojun]