
In the struggle for the life of her daughter, the mother of the terminally ill Pippa, 5, suffered another legal defeat.

The London Court of Appeals on Friday upheld the High Court's previous decision that the girl's life-prolonging measures should be ended.

He was also of the opinion that "it is in Pippa's best interest to end the life support measures," the appellate judge wrote in a written judgment.

The five-year-old has been in a London hospital for about two years with severe brain damage.

The doctors have no more hope and want to end the life support measures, but the mother takes legal action against it.


The High Court's verdict in January said the case was "heartbreaking."

However, Pippa cannot perceive her environment or interactions with other people.

Moving home with special equipment, as requested by the mother, is therefore not advisable.

The 41-year-old did not want to accept this and appealed.

Five-year-old Pippa has been in a London hospital for around two years

Source: dpa / Sinclairslaw