The next third vice president of the Government,

Yolanda Díaz

, made it clear yesterday that the alarming economic situation the country is going through is not going to make her back down in her ideological convictions -

she has never hidden her militancy in the Communist Party of Spain

-, and that He does not plan to postpone the dismantling of the labor reform, one of the commitments agreed between Podemos and

Pedro Sánchez's



As this newspaper has already advanced, they will not make you reconsider your political obsession.

to nor the

four million unemployed

-more the 900,000 in ERTE and the two million self-employed without income- nor the

1.2 million Spanish households in which no family member works


Neither the warnings from Brussels nor the downward forecasts of the Bank of Spain and the main international organizations, nor the data from the last Funcas panel published yesterday that foresees that the first three months of the year will close with a fall of 0.4 % of GDP. Moreover, after the first meeting with unions and employers, Díaz reiterated his intention to

close the deal throughout this summer


Faced with the possibility of an electoral advance, the next candidate of United We Can - handpicked by Pablo Iglesias - wants to have some success to present to her voters.

But it won't be easy.

The Minister of Labor already knows what it is to lose a battle on account of the Interprofessional Minimum Wage against

Nadia calviño


And it is quite probable that the Minister of Economic Affairs - who will soon be promoted to Second Vice President of the Government - will also this time become

his main opponent

Calviño will be right, who has always been in line with the recommendations of the European Commission.

Especially in labor matters.

Do not forget that

thanks to flexibility in the labor market

that introduced the reform approved by the Government of


, Spain went from having an unemployment rate of 27% in the first quarter of 2013 to 13.78% in the fourth quarter of 2019, with a balance of 3.1 million jobs created.

Repeal such an efficient contracting regulation regulation -despite

the dysfunction caused by the precariousness of many of the jobs created

- and promoting an increase in labor costs would be a real suicide at the current juncture.

Employers have repeatedly expressed their pessimism in the face of a crisis that is longer than expected.

destroying a large part of the Spanish productive fabric


Now is the time to work to try to stop this bleeding.In this sense, it is necessary to draw up a national plan coordinated with the Autonomous Communities so that European aid is invested in the most needy sectors and those that can help regenerate a community. economy so dependent on tourism.

Be guided by

doctrinal intransigence -and there Díaz has the complicity of CCOO and UGT-

It will only aggravate the economic crisis and lead Spaniards to unemployment and the increasingly common queues of hunger.

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