Christian Thiel has been advising singles and couples in his own practice for more than 15 years.

He also organizes workshops and individual coaching for partner seekers and has published several books on the subject.

The question to couple counselor and coach Christian Thiel:

The question:

“I was with my wife for 22 years, of which 19 years were married.

My wife has always been loving to me and has stood by me in very difficult times.

We shared hobbies and had nice sex.

Then I changed jobs, fell in love with another woman, and the emotional chaos took its course.

My wife tried everything to get me back in a sensible way.

Now I have moved out and live with my new partner.

But I have to think about my wife all the time, it also puts a strain on my new relationship, in which I am happy.

I feel very guilty about my wife.

She's never done me bad, and I just scrap her.

Why do you do such a thing, why haven't I made efforts to get my marriage?

I do not understand that."

The couple counselor answers:

“You can't advise people in love,” says the vernacular.

He's right.

That's because ...