Chinanews client, Beijing, March 7 (Reporter Shangguanyun) "The farthest distance in the world is not life and death, but I am standing in front of you, but you are playing with your mobile phone." This is a joke, But it tells how close many people are to mobile phones at the moment.

  Reading for five minutes and playing with mobile phones for two hours; I want to use my mobile phone after work, and I use my mobile phone for half a day; reading novels on my mobile phone before going to bed, I can't grasp the time and lose sleep... These phenomena poke the pain points of many netizens, some people call them the pain points. For "mobile phone dependence".

  Earlier, "I found the reason why I wanted to play with my mobile phone as soon as I studied". Many people shared the reasons why they couldn't stop using mobile phones: either they want to get information; or they are emotionally anxious and want to escape reality briefly in the virtual world; I just want to pass the time.

  Is it really addictive to swiping the phone?

Data map: No matter how crowded the "head-downers" are on the bus, they will never forget to swipe the screen.

Photo by Wang Dongming

"The person stuck on the phone"

  Chatting, chasing dramas, watching short videos... In the era of mobile Internet, a small mobile phone can meet multi-faceted cultural entertainment and even social needs, and has become an indispensable tool in daily life.

  "There is a novel called "The Man in a Case", then I am probably the "person stuck to the phone". For Liu Wei born in the 1980s, this sentence vividly describes how often he swipes his phone. , It is not only a work need, but also a life need.

  Normally, keep your cell phone on your body and check it every 5 minutes, unless you are resting or when you are extremely busy.

When you play on your mobile phone, you may be reading messages sent by others, or you may be playing games or visiting forums. Any two or three hours will pass.

  Interesting topics will stretch this time longer: I originally looked at my phone before going to bed, I wanted to summarize the information I received in the day, but accidentally clicked on the article I liked, and the related recommendations are endless, and I still have to wait for it. Mobile phones, the sky will be bright.

  "Playing with mobile phones has become a habit in my life. Even at work, I will intermittently check whether my posts are replies, and what netizens have said. Let's take a look at what's fun in Moments." He saw this as a way to relax.

  Liu Wei lamented that as a carrier, mobile phones are deeply tied to communications, entertainment, and social interactions. "It doesn't work if you don't want to rely on it."

Why is "addiction"?

  Sometimes swiping the phone may indeed be aimless, but the sense of relaxation and pleasure it brings is easy to "addiction".

Data map: Earlier, there was a passage designed for the "low-headed tribe" on the streets of Xi'an. It was about one meter wide and marked with the words "special passage for the lower-head tribe".

China News Agency reporter Zhang Yuanshe

  Many people probably have similar feelings: reading or writing materials is too boring, and within a few minutes, they will unconsciously float to the mobile phone, and at the same time comfort themselves: read the mobile phone and take a break.

Then turn on the mode that can't stop after swiping the phone.

  "The fast-paced short videos and so on made my attention extremely distracting. As long as there are no activities that I must participate in, I can't help but look at my mobile phone and fall into the vicious circle of'nothing beautiful, uncomfortable if you don't watch it'." Someone is so. Described.

  According to the 2020 National Economic and Social Development Statistical Communiqué previously issued by the National Bureau of Statistics, there were 989 million people surfing the Internet at the end of the year, of which 986 million were surfing the Internet on mobile phones.

  "People always need to keep in touch with the outside world, for fear of missing work information and hot topics, and becoming an outsider in social activities. Swiping the phone alleviates this anxiety and allows me to pretend to be in resonance with society and the people around me." Liu Wei said.

  Mobile phones provide overwhelming news and convenient conditions for communication anytime and anywhere. Big data recommends various articles according to people's preferences.

People enjoy the information and relax their emotions, but they are also trapped in the "information cocoon room" unknowingly.

  In this way, the mobile phone becomes a tool to kill the fragmented time, and time passes by inadvertently.

What are the hazards?

  "Head down people" are becoming more and more common, and it seems that it has become difficult to quit the habit of using mobile phones.

In addition to alleviating anxiety, some netizens summarized the reasons: inattention, too stressful at work and want to relax, or just because of boredom, swiping the phone anytime and anywhere.

Data map: In the waiting room of Qingdao Railway Station, "head-down people" playing with mobile phones can be seen everywhere.

Scanning Weibo, chatting on WeChat, playing games, and watching movies, high-tech has turned most travelers into mobile phone "head-down people."

Photo by Xu Chongde issued by China News Agency

  A question has thus become the focus of people's attention: Is this a "mobile phone dependence"?

  According to Jin Jin, the attending physician of Shanghai Mental Health Center, dependence is an addictive behavior. Strictly speaking, the definition of addictive behavior needs to meet the diagnostic criteria: craving, physical and psychological dependence, excess amount and duration, withdrawal symptoms .

  But the "mobile phone dependence" that people often call is generally an escape behavior under anxiety, boredom and other emotions. It is also a kind of "information addiction". Mobile phones can quickly provide all kinds of information that people need. Humans pursue immediate Satisfaction is also an instinct.

  "Reliance on social media, including mobile phones, does have a great impact on our lives and work. But the score is clear: if it is not serious, it may just be a way of life." Peng Kaiping, Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University Explanation.

  From a psychological point of view, some experts believe that the excessive use of modern electronic technology, including mobile phones and artificial intelligence, has begun to cause some harm to people's normal life and work, such as affecting sleep, interpersonal relationships, and so on.

  "For example, if you are stuck in an information cocoon for a long time, and your contact with the real world is reduced. People who play too many mobile phones will easily decrease their cognitive abilities." He said that some young people have "anxiety of missing information" and will also I have been searching for the latest information with my mobile phone. However, excessive information can easily cause information overload, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Real life is more exciting

  The phenomenon of "mobile phone dependence" exists among people of different ages.

Some people go to the virtual world to find a sense of existence and accomplishment, "watching Weibo and clicking like a memorial "have been read""; others seek emotional sustenance and meet social needs through mobile phones.

Data map: Previously, "super-large mobile phones" with the words "put down your mobile phones, leave more time, and give your family and spring" appeared on the streets of Nanjing. In this era of the popularity of smart phones and people's growing dependence on mobile phones , Friendship reminds the mobile phone controllers of the "head bowers" to stay away from the mobile phone properly and return to a natural life.

Photo by China News Service

  "To get rid of'mobile phone dependence', the traditional method is physical, including self-discipline and heteronomy. For example, at home, parents can stipulate the length of time their children use mobile phones, and they can also stipulate the time to use mobile phones every day, and consciously abide by them." Peng Kaiping believes.

  Specific to psychology, it is necessary to solve the fundamental problem of dependent emotion.

The rich and constantly updated information of mobile phones can continue to provide users with more than expected stimulation and suspense, which makes people dependent.

  If you swipe your phone to relax, you can take sports, running and other activities that can bring people a sense of pleasure, and use positive experiences to replace "mobile phone dependence."

  "Strengthen the social connection with friends and relatives in reality, look for common interests, values, and pursue common goals and ideals, and explore other ways to meet social needs instead of just relying on mobile phones." He said.

  "Five colors make people blind, five tones make people deaf." Sensual entertainment can bring sensory stimulation in a short period of time, but it is also easy to lose yourself.

The mobile phone is just a tool, and the role it plays depends mainly on the user.

  When you walk out of the illusory world created by mobile phones, you will find that real life is more exciting.

(Liu Wei is a pseudonym) (End)