
In view of the spread of virus variants in Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) tightened a recommendation for doctors.

In the case of an infection with one of the mutants or suspicion of it, patients - regardless of severity, age or hospital stay - should be isolated for 14 days as a precaution, according to a recommendation from the Federal Institute updated on Friday.

An antigen test or a PCR test should also be performed before leaving isolation.

The background is still insufficient data on the excretion of pathogens.

Previously, the recommendation on virus variants of concern did not contain any information on the duration of isolation, as the RKI explained on request.

In Denmark there is great misunderstanding about Germans, who would rather not have a vaccination than have the vaccine injected by AstraZeneca.

Now Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has also spoken out and said, “If Germany does not want the vaccines - Denmark will be happy to take them”.

For Camilla Foged, professor in the Pharmaceutical Department at the University of Copenhagen, this is a “great idea”.

According to her, there is no reason why Denmark cannot adopt the AstraZeneca vaccine if Germany does not want it.

On the contrary: "It is unethical to leave vaccines lying around during a pandemic," she told TV2.

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