Special Envoy broadcasts a new issue Thursday evening, at 9pm on France 2. Among the reports offered to viewers, "The new life of Stella and Alex".

A document that follows the journey of Stella, 8, and Alex, 17.

Two young transgender people who move through life with the support of their families.

Stella is an 8 year old girl.

Alex is a 17 year old teenager.

They are both transgender, that is, they do not belong to the gender that doctors gave them at birth based on their genitalia.

Their journey is at the heart of one of the reports broadcast Thursday evening by

Special Envoy

on France 2. Their two ages allow the director Naoufel El Khaouafi to address different questions: social questions for Stella and medical questions for Alex.

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Stella's family are wondering: how do you get school to accept her as a girl?

How do his classmates react?

And how to change marital status?

That of Alex accompanies the teenager in his medical journey, and in particular the injections of testosterone and the decision of a mastectomy. 

The example of families who do not reject their child

Transidentity is the letter "T" of the LGBT sign.

And Stella and Alex have one thing in common: the support provided by their respective families, who accompany them in their journey as a transgender person.

A situation and testimonies unfortunately still rare in 2021, according to the director of the report "The new life of Stella and Alex", Naoufel El Khaouafi.

"Too often, when we talk about transidentity, we do it through the prism of people for whom things are going badly," he regrets.

“The fact that the report is a cross portrait of two children whose family has accepted transidentity very well is unfortunately not a generality. In most cases, it does not go very well. suicide among transgender people is 7 times the average. "


WHO removes transidentity from its list of mental disorders

Naoufel El Khaouafi followed Stella and Alex for several weeks.

A long time, which allows us to better understand the journey of transgender children when they are understood and accompanied by their families.

This is what convinced the families to let themselves be filmed.

"The parents were so lacking in benchmarks that they needed to speak out to set an example, to show that it can well, even very well," explains the director.

"The New Life of Stella and Alex" airs Thursday night at 9

p.m. on Special Envoy


Two other reports are on the program of the show: an investigation into the insulation of houses and the portrait of the main opponent of Vladimir Putin, Alexeï Navalny.