According to official statistics, there are about 600,000 sudden deaths in China every year, of which 43% are under the age of 40, and about 70% are sudden cardiac deaths.

  Why do sudden deaths frequently find young and middle-aged people?

Perhaps you can get a glimpse of it from your life habits.

Staying up late for a long time, smoking a lot, and drinking frequently are all high triggers.

  Experts said that "suddenness" and "high rate of progression" are indeed important reasons for the danger of sudden cardiac death.

Many sudden cardiac deaths do not have early warning symptoms. Once they occur, if they are not treated effectively, they can lead to death within 3 to 5 minutes. However, there are also many sudden cardiac deaths that the body has already given warning before the onset: for example: Symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest tightness, chest squeezing pain, fatigue, and heart palpitations should arouse high alertness.

  A reasonable diet, regular exercise, and no smoking (including avoiding secondhand smoke) can effectively reduce the probability of sudden death.

There is only one life, please cherish it!

  (Author: Li Xueyao)