Since starting his relationship a month ago, Chris has been attracted to his partner but finds it difficult to feel comfortable around her.

On Europe 1, Tuesday, the psychologist and psychoanalyst Catherine Blanc gives him advice to tame his apprehensions and cultivate a certain serenity in his relationship.

Chris has a problem: this young man who listens to Europe 1 cannot be really comfortable with his new partner, whom he met a month ago now.

He would therefore like to be more serene with her in the future, especially since they do not share many nights yet, at the rate of one evening a week.

On Europe 1, in the program

Sans Rendez-vous

, Tuesday, the psychoanalyst and psychologist Catherine Blanc analyzes the young man's problem, reassures him and gives him the keys to unblock this situation which bothers him.

Chris's question

I met a girl a month ago.

The feelings are there, we sleep together once a week, but I still can't get comfortable.

How do I get me to feel comfortable with her quickly?

Catherine Blanc's response

First of all, we all have the right not to be very comfortable, not to go into the relationship with a bang.

It is also charming, since it invites to meet the other, to secure him, to forge special links taking into account his pace, for example.

The key is not to settle in there for too long.

In this case, the relationship ends up embracing places of stuck and putting labels on the possible and the impossible.

We do not open the field of sweets, sensuality and mutual trust.

Anyway, he is a man who struggles to trust, who struggles to enter the universe of the other and let the other enter his universe.

Which begs the question of his personal history: what makes him have this warning?

Is it because of unhappy relationships?

Is it through the model he received from his parents, of what was prohibited and prohibited and which he reproduces in his romantic relationship today?

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How can we be close but uncomfortable sleeping together? 

First of all, this relationship is brand new.

They are going there gradually.

It's barely a month and once a week.

We can understand that things will go very slowly.

It's his little ritual, his need to understand things.

I always think of this story of Saint-Exupéry and the fox.

It takes time to be able to tame the fox.

This is what will make the quality of the links.

Now, as always, sleep is a place of intimacy, a place of letting go, where one does not control either the other or oneself.

At first, even when we are comfortable making love and talking to each other, we sleep very badly the first few nights.

We are on surveillance, the other is disturbing, he comes to enter our bubble of intimacy.

How long does it take to usually get used to these things?

Making room in bed is not necessarily very easy.

I believe that something is unlocked when we have been able to experience lots of situations where the other has shown us that he is trustworthy.

The more we experience this, the more we will be able to surrender to sleep.

Because, deep down, we don't know how we are when we sleep.

Are we pretty, not pretty?

Do we drool or do we snore?

Do we make movements in one direction or the other?

People watch each other a lot, even when they are having sex.

Women see if their breasts are straight, for example.

There is the fear of being observed by the other.

The other disturbs, breathes, makes noise and can exasperate.

There are times when you can have made love with someone you love deeply at that time and, at night, want to put them on the floor so that they are not in that bed.