Every day

The art of dealing with criticism.

Sami Al Riyami


February 22, 2021

Dealing with criticism is an administrative art that many do not master, and because there are those who do not know the value of cash, nor its importance, you find it deals with every criticism of his organization or the entity in which he works, as it is a personal insult that affects himself and his person, and this is very strange, especially if we are talking about service bodies It provides specific services to large segments of the audience, and deals with thousands of people on a daily basis!

There is no perfect work, and there is no institution or company without mistakes, and this is not a defect nor is it a diminution of anyone’s effort. Rather, it is a proven fact from eternity, and there is no one who claims perfection, and if he exists then he inevitably suffers from a clear psychological disease, so he who deals with Criticism with burning, fear, anger and some "personalization" is inevitably full of mistakes, and whoever deals with it as a reminder and guidance to correct mistakes in order to develop work, he will definitely succeed in reducing his mistakes and gain the respect and appreciation of all dealers, and here is precisely the importance of constructive criticism, devoid of any Personal or moral flaws, it means exactly giving the institution or company notes that push it forward, and it does not detract from its level or status anything!

There is no doubt that there are also those who exceed the limits of constructive criticism that is permitted by law, and enter into another path, a wrong path that contradicts morals and the law, but here we are not talking about these, and we are not talking about personal matters, but about services, and I believe that criticism of service is permissible and permissible. Indeed, it is required, and it is strange that some institutions bring in global consulting and expertise houses in order to obtain notes on the progress of their work under the pretext of development, while the issuance of their officials is narrowed by a note submitted by a dealer based on the field review that he performs, which by the way is more accurate and better than the observations of some consultants!

A successful institution is one that opens its doors wide to the observations of its customers, takes it, and does not neglect it, and the successful official is the one who accepts and welcomes every constructive criticism, and seeks immediately to take it into account if it is useful, or gives thanks and appreciation to its owner at the very least, if not The owner of the criticism is right, as long as the goal of that person is to develop the work of the institution for the better, or to draw the attention of those responsible for it to shortcomings or mistakes!

Today there is no room for arrogance, no room for concealing the truth, and no room for leaving clear mistakes without correction. Society has many means and methods for communicating notes, very quickly, and decision-makers in the state are never satisfied with the persistence of mistakes. It is true that they give many opportunities, but they always intervene when Mistakes reach an unacceptable level, so listening to the people, auditors, and dealers is an absolute necessity for every institution, company, or official in the state!

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