[Explanation] Recently, the Shandong Provincial Department of Education drafted the "Fifteen Regulations on the Standardization of School Running in Shandong Province" to solicit opinions from the public.

In the new regulations of the "15 Schools", students’ homework is designed scientifically, and repetitive and punitive homework is not assigned.

Teachers’ written assignments were revised in full, and parents were not assigned homework or required parents to review homework.

On February 20, the reporter interviewed a number of school teachers and parents of students. They generally expressed their support and approval of this regulation.

  [Explanation] Li Shuang is a Chinese teacher at the First Primary School on Jiefang Road, Jinan. He has been engaged in education for 20 years.

She has her own understanding of the new "15 rules for running a school", especially the strengthening of homework management.

Li Shuang believes that correcting students' homework is the teacher's own work, and the role of parents is only to urge children to complete the homework as required.

  [Concurrent] Li Shuang, teacher of the First Primary School on Jiefang Road, Jinan

  From a professional point of view, we are also the most professional people. Therefore, the implementation of this knowledge, including the development of children in the follow-up learning process, I think teachers cannot shirk their own responsibilities. This is what we must do and must Things to do well.

The role of parents is to urge their children to complete their homework as required every day, nothing more.

  [Explanation] Sun Yanru, who was a teacher in the same elementary school as Li Shuang, has been accustomed to reforming all written assignments completed by students for many years.

She very much agrees with the new regulations of the "Fifteen Rules for Running Schools" that Shandong plans to issue, which is to design homework scientifically and not assign repetitive and punitive homework.

Sun Yanru said that the school's daily written assignments for the three subjects of language, mathematics and English can be completed in about one hour.

To encourage students, the teachers also offered incentives.

  [Concurrent] Sun Yanru, teacher of the First Primary School of Jiefang Road, Jinan City

  We also have certain incentives, including small signs for classmates.

Like our class, he will usually be given a free-writing homework card when he reaches 20 small marks. In fact, this is also an encouragement to supervise students. Sometimes students are very happy to get this free-work homework card.

  [Explanation] The reporter found that the phenomenon of teachers asking parents to correct homework on their behalf has long existed in many places. As a result, parents withdrew from the class group and complained about "stressful" news and other hot topics.

After the introduction of the new regulations of Shandong's "Fifteen Schools", many parents have expressed their approval, believing that children's lifelong education requires the cooperation of the home and school, the division of labor, and their respective responsibilities.

  [Concurrent] Student Parent Liu Yili

  Basically, we don't have much tutoring (homework), because many things are not the same as what we have learned before. Generally, if there is anything that we don't know or understand, children will come to ask the teacher.

  [Concurrent] Student Parent Zhao Zheng

  The introduction of this policy, I think for parents, we are also very relaxed, because we ourselves also have our own jobs, we also have some of our own lives, children can spend his time in school to complete what he should do As for things, our parents usually supervise the completion of homework, so that the children are relaxed, and we are also relaxed.

  [Explanation] It is understood that the new regulations of the "Fifteen School-running Rules" include insisting on moral education first, improving the level of intellectual education, strengthening physical exercises, enhancing aesthetic education, strengthening labor education, and improving work and rest management.

The deadline for feedback on the new regulations is February 24, 2021.

  Yang Fei reports from Jinan

Editor in charge: [Liu Xian]