
The Swedish-British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca is fighting against reports that say its corona vaccine protects less against Covid-19 disease than other drugs.

The vaccine "actually protects more or less 100 percent from the severe course of the disease," said Klaus Hinterding, Vice President Medical and Regulatory at AstraZeneca Germany on Thursday in the rbb's Inforadio.

This has been proven very clearly in the clinical studies.

“What often seems confusing is the difference between protection against severe disease and protection against infection.” The numbers that circulated in public depended very much on what exactly was examined in the clinical studies.


Hinterding emphasized "that our vaccine is first of all safe and effective." It is also safe above all because it has been examined in large clinical studies.

“The most important thing is that any vaccine protects better than no vaccination at all.

The worst thing you can do is actually not to get vaccinated. "

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