Justin Timberlake apologizes to Britney Spears almost twenty years later (Archives) -

Walter Weissman / STAR MAX / IPx / AP /

Better late than never, they say.

American singer Justin Timberlake apologized to Britney Spears on Friday, almost twenty years after their romantic breakup, a documentary accusing him of having manipulated this episode to gain public sympathy.

In the documentary

Framing Britney Spears

 (Britney Spears locked up), produced by the

New York Times

and broadcast on the FX cable channel and the Hulu platform, several witnesses say that Justin Timberlake used his break up with the singer in 2002 to launch his solo career.

Apologies to Janet Jackson too

He let several media accuse Britney Spears of having cheated on him and then of having broken up with him brutally, without making public statements on the subject.

The witnesses recall that he presented the title

Cry Me a River

 as directly inspired by his breakup, after four years of romantic relationship (1998-2002).

The song's lyrics clearly evoke a man being cheated on by his ex-girlfriend and, to support the point, the video features a woman who looks like Britney Spears and whose face you can't see well.

In a message posted to Instagram on Friday, the recently 40-something apologizes to Britney Spears, as well as Janet Jackson.

While performing a duet with Michael Jackson's sister at halftime of the Super Bowl, on February 1, 2004, the former Boys Band NSYNC had torn, live, a bra cap from the singer, revealing a breast and shocking a whole country.

"I care about these two women"

The sequence had triggered an earthquake and permanently affected the career of Janet Jackson, much more than that of Justin Timberlake.

“I care about these two women, I respect them, and I know I didn't do what I should have done,” the Memphis-born singer wrote.

"I'm sorry for those times in my life when my actions contributed to the problem, where I monopolized the floor, where I didn't speak out for what was right," Justin Timberlake continued today. married to actress Jessica Biel.

"I know that I was not up to the task in these times, as in many others, he wrote, and that I have benefited from a system that promotes misogyny and racism. .



# FreeBritney… What you need to know about the guardianship of Britney Spears and the docu "Framing Britney Spears",


Britney Spears reacts to "New York Times" documentary about her guardianship

  • Britney spears

  • Justin timberlake

  • Janet jackson

  • People