Illustration of the coronavirus.



The Order of Physicians warned this Thursday against a "protocol", which has been circulating for a few days on the Internet, recommending essential oils or hydroxychloroquine, to prevent the coronavirus.

"The National Council of the Order (Cnom) wrote to the High Authority for Health (HAS) and the Medicines Agency (ANSM) to ask them to verify the compliance of this protocol with the data acquired from science" , said a spokesperson for the Council on Thursday.

Dangerous drug combinations

This "therapeutic proposal to treat Covid-19 in the early phase" comes from the "Free Health Coordination", which claims to represent 30,000 doctors.

Widely relayed on social networks, tables detail a “protocol” mentioning in particular sophrology, zinc, vitamin C, homeopathy, vitamin D, ivermectin, or even hydroxycholoroquine.

The collective of doctors No Fake Med - which fights against disinformation in the field of health - estimated that "the presentation of a therapeutic protocol in the absence of evidence of efficacy and of a positive benefit-risk ratio demonstrated in patients endanger the lives of others ”.

In addition, there are proposed "combinations of contraindicated and therefore dangerous drugs," adds the collective in a press release Thursday.

"Certain treatments can prove to be toxic, and their ineffectiveness on Sars-CoV-2 infection can lead to delayed treatment and are likely to worsen the prognosis of this potentially fatal pathology".

Olivier Véran exasperated

With the exception of a corticosteroid, no substance listed has so far proven its efficacy, neither preventive nor curative against Covid, while researchers around the world have been seeking an effective treatment for more than a year. .

Currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended corticosteroids "in patients with severe or critical form".

Cautious, the authors of the protocol affirm that it is not a question "of prescriptions, nor of recommendations, but of a feedback of field experiences of the doctors of the Free Health Coordination" and that "it cannot be taken or advised in self-medication ”.

This "protocol" was relayed in particular by the former LREM MP Martine Wonner via Twitter but also during questions to the government at the National Assembly on Wednesday, arousing the exasperation of the Minister of Health Olivier Véran.

Martin Wonner said last year that masks were useless against Covid.


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  • Treatment

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  • Covid 19

  • Coronavirus