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We are excited.

Excerpts from the transcript:

Pastor Craven:

There's a gang here.

One gang on this side.

And then the day hospital is right here.

This is the hospital.

So if there is an argument and you have to go to the hospital, you are on the verge of two gangs.

So the chances that they can return the favor in the hospital are also there.

This is our terminal, the city center, where taxis come together and you do your shopping.

However, this is a boundary between two bands.

So if you want to come you do your shopping between two big gangs.


Again the hospital is in between, playgrounds are in between ...


The hospital and the playground are in between, the school is on the borders of the gangs.



There was also a case where one of the children was actually almost shot in front of your door, wasn't there?

What happened there?

When did that happen?


On a Sunday morning.

One had seven bullets in the head and the other had nine bullets.

Basically, it was right outside my door on this side.



It's right across the street from here.