In the end, “This is Paris” is about a lot more.

In the film, you spoke publicly for the first time about the abuse and psychological terror that you experienced as a teenager at the Provo Canyon School in Utah, a psychiatric treatment center and school for difficult-to-educate children and adolescents.

They tell how you and other children were locked naked in a dark room at night as a punishment, how you were yelled at and beaten and how you were forcibly administered drugs.

They kept this story to themselves all their lives.

What made you go public with it?


That is mainly thanks to the director Alexandra Dean.

We developed a close relationship during the shooting, she was like a sister to me.

At some point we were in South Korea and I just felt drained.

I hadn't slept for almost two days, had one appointment after the other, and had nightmares.

At some point I collapsed in front of her.