If this coalition government cannot be accused of something, it is of not being coherent in the effort to culminate in the shortest possible time

the dissolving project designed after the legislative pact with the Catalan independentistas and the executors of ETA terrorism


Delving into the social fracture that



to divide the Spaniards once again and banish the principles of reconciliation and consensus on which the Transition was built, Sánchez and Iglesias are using


specifically blocking Parliament through a prolonged state of alarm to weaken the rule of law and

subvert some of the ethical pillars of our society


This is the answer to the approval by the "emergency route" of decrees such as the one that limits the functions of the CGPJ, which pose a risk to the separation of powers, and norms as divisive -for affecting fundamental rights, in need of maximum consensus- such as

those of equality, euthanasia or the announced trans law.

Now comes the proposal to modify the Penal Code so that they stop being

crimes the glorification of terrorism, offenses against religious feelings or insults against the Crown and the security forces


As we are used to, PSOE and United We Can yesterday got into a shameful dispute to see who sponsored the initiative and benefited from its possible electoral revenues.

And so, taking advantage of the announcement of the rapper's next prison entry

Paul Hasel

For repeated crimes of apology for terrorist violence and insults to the figure of the King, the party of Pablo Iglesias presented a proposal in Congress, while the PSOE, through the spokesman minister,

Maria Jesus Montero

, announced that the penal reform would be

"by the fastest possible route".

The nonsense is twofold.

On the one hand, the Government makes it clear that it does not have the Parliament to undertake such far-reaching penal modifications, such as those that affect freedom of expression, a fundamental right set forth in the Constitution.

But also, by trying to eliminate hate crimes from our legal system, it opens the door to social confrontation, allowing the equalization of values ​​that promote coexistence with those that encourage division.

Hate crimes are a criminal figure that all surrounding countries contemplate

, but they must be classified with care, since imposing limits on freedom of expression is only acceptable in those manifestations that incite violence and undermine coexistence.

What does not make any sense is that in Spain, homages to ETA members who have been released from prison or the exaltation of the long history of ETA's blood cease to be a crime, and at the same time they can go to prison - this has been announced by the Government-

those to which the laws of historical memory and other social engineering laws apply


A contradiction that is not only apparent, but is the reflection of the sectarian and dissolving new-breed dogmatism that this government and its radical partners want to impose.

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