Nicoletta recounts the adventures of her life as an artist in the book "Soul sister, 50 years of career".

Guest of Anne Roumanoff's show "It feels good" on Tuesday, the singer reveals one of her anecdotes: her first small job in a record company.

She then passed herself off as the stars of the time.


She told us last week how she rigged the Europe 1 jumps with friends.

Guest of




Tuesday, singer Nicoletta tells this time, with her famous outspokenness, her first small job in a record company, before she recorded her first songs.

An anecdote that can be found in her book 

Soul sister, 50 years of career

, where the singer tells the story of the adventures that have marked her artistic life.

>> Find all of Anne Roumanoff's shows in replay and podcast here

150 francs per bag of letters

An employee of the Barclay's record company, Nicoletta was responsible for answering letters from fans of the singers.

“They brought me the bags with fan letters in them,” she recalls.

"I did the mail from Nino Ferrer, the mail from Franck Alamo, the mail from Guy Marchand… of all the artists in the catalog of the record company in which I had signed."

The future singer star was then paid 150 francs per bag of letters processed.

"But at the time, 150 francs was money!"


The unexpected portrait of… Nicoletta

The singer then signed words of response instead of the artists.

"I wrote 'Good kisses from Franck Alamo', 'All my friendship' ... I changed a little bit, depending on the artist," laughs Nicoletta.

She also signed for them.

"I was doing kind of weird shapes. But I was just doing the signatures on the photos, I wasn't really answering the letters," she says.

The story does not say if another person subsequently signed their photos, when they in turn rose to fame thanks to their songs.