"It is brave what Australia is doing, downright historic"

In the power struggle with China, Australia stands up to the communist leadership - and shows what Germany and the EU shy away from.

Beijing foams, expels Australian journalists and imposes punitive tariffs.

Some observers even warn of war.

Barbara Barkhausen reports.



That has Sputnik V ahead of AstraZeneca's vaccine

Russia received a lot of criticism for its vaccine in the autumn.

Results for Sputnik V are now available: The effectiveness is very high at 91.6 percent.

The vaccine is similar to AstraZeneca's, but has key advantages.

Which, explains Jens Lubbadeh.

Source: © Pascal Amos Rest

"Most people are not informed about the Z word"

Gianni Jovanovic is Rome.

He doesn't want to shut anyone up, just invite them to think about the origin and effect of words like “Gypsy”.

His life story is full of pain, but also full of love.

He experienced both in his family and with Germans.

Deniz Yücel spoke to him.

Source: picture alliance / Jürgen Effner

You need to keep this in mind when selling a house


The real estate market has been booming for years.

Still, many homes cannot find a buyer.

Because older owners often overestimate the market value of their houses in which they have lived for decades.

Richard Haimann explains what salespeople need to know.

Source: Reign / James Woodley

"In the gym I always see the same three mistakes"

Hafthor Björnsson became world famous as "The Mountain" in the "Game of Thrones" series.

The Icelander now wants to start a boxing career and has lost 50 kilograms for it.

In an interview with Julien Wolff, he reveals his special training and nutrition plan.