Shortly after the excitement about the WDR show “The Last Instance”, the video of another WDR show made the rounds: An appearance by Gianni Jovanovic on the WDR show “Kölner Treff” from the beginning of last year, in which the 42 year old Rome explains in a friendly and calm tone why he finds the term "gypsy" problematic.

A few days later he is in the zoom chat with WELT: in a good mood and talkative.

Jovanovic lives and works in Cologne and Berlin as a dental hygienist, activist and performer.


A WDR entertainment show was about "The End of Gypsy Sauce", the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, and many people on social media criticized this as antiziganism and racism.

Finally the WDR, presenter Steffen Hallaschka and two of the guests, Janine Kunze and Micky Beisenherz, apologized.

What's your sauce balance?