As early as January, the government opened up for younger children to take part in their leisure activities in a physical way, instead of digitally.

During Thursday's press conference, it will be extended to also apply to young people of high school age.

This means that those born in 2002 or later should be able to visit, for example, the School of Culture.

Referral in February

In addition, measures have now been initiated to reduce injustices in the restrictions between different types of activities and premises.

As previously mentioned, the government wants to create more accurate and differentiated rules for public gatherings and public events.

This would mean that larger premises or outdoor premises could receive more visitors than smaller indoor premises instead of having one and the same participation limit for everyone as now.

Minister of Culture Amanda Lind (MP) mentions the country's museums as an example of the activities it hopes to be able to open when the infection situation allows.

Seen on an ongoing basis

- The restriction is reviewed on an ongoing basis and the Swedish Public Health Agency's assessments are of great importance, says Amanda Lind.

A referral will be sent out in February so that the government can be prepared when the opening of activities becomes possible from the point of view of the spread of infection.