
In France, environmental organizations have succeeded in suing the state for inaction on climate protection.

The Paris Administrative Court ruled on Wednesday that the French state was responsible for failures in the fight against global warming.

The plaintiffs celebrated the decision as a "historic victory for the climate".

The judges had checked whether there was a causal link between environmental damage and the deficiencies in the fight against climate change that the state was accused of, the court said.

They would argue that the state should be held responsible for at least part of this damage.

The court now gave itself a two-month period to determine any measures.

The state can appeal the decision.

In 2019, the organizations Notre Affaire à Tous, the Nicolas Hulot Foundation pour la Nature et l'Homme, Greenpeace France and Oxfam France filed a lawsuit against the state.

They had become the alliance.

"L'Affaire du siècle" (German: the question of the century) merged.

Numerous celebrities like the actresses Marion Cotillard and Juliette Binoche support the action.


“The judiciary has recognized that government inaction on climate change is illegal,” the alliance responded.

The state is now under unprecedented pressure to finally do something about climate change.

"The court must now decide whether to order the state to take additional measures to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and meet its climate obligations," it said.