Study: Snoozing in the afternoon improves mental abilities

A new study said that taking an afternoon nap can keep the mind active and improve people's cognitive abilities.

According to CNN, the researchers analyzed the napping habits of 2,214 elderly people in China and measured their cognitive abilities using several cognitive tests.

The participants were divided into two groups, the first included those who took regular afternoon naps and the second included those who did not.

The study defined naps as a period of sleep lasting between five minutes and two hours.

The results showed that the naps positively affected the mental abilities of the elderly, and significantly improved their awareness and memory.

"This study found that naps are useful for maintaining cognitive function, so we encourage the elderly to take appropriate naps," said Cai Han, a psychiatrist for the elderly at the People's Hospital in Wuhu, China, who is responsible for the study.

It was published in the journal "General Psychology" earlier this week.

The researchers did not collect data from people under the age of 60, so they did not mention the benefits of the afternoon nap for younger generations.

And last month, a number of experts and researchers confirmed that napping while at work makes people more efficient and significantly improves their performance.

Those experts pointed out that napping was essential for some successful celebrities, such as the world painter Salvador Dali, the Greek philosopher Aristotle, the former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and the Iron Woman Margaret Thatcher, stressing that people who do not get a nap while at work are less successful compared to others .

Last year, a scientific study revealed that napping once or twice a week may reduce the risk of heart attacks or strokes.

Moreover, the US Air and Space Agency (NASA) confirmed in a 2015 study that naps contribute to 100 percent renewal of the attention and alertness of pilots and astronauts.