Data on vaccination in France have been made public.

They show that the strategy of protecting the most vulnerable is well respected and that the pace has accelerated.

Important challenges remain, as the campaign could come to a halt in the coming days. 

In France, the Covid-19 vaccination campaign is progressing even if delivery delays are slowing down injections.

Some regions are out of stock, such as Hauts-de-France.

However, 1.35 million people received the first dose.

Since Thursday, the government has made public all the data on vaccination, department by department.

These suggest that the pace of vaccination is good but that many challenges remain.


- Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Friday January 29

1.35 million people received the first dose

The oldest French are the main beneficiaries of the first injections.

8% of people aged 75 to 79 have been vaccinated as well as 10% of those over 80.

This data fits perfectly with the strategy of the Haute Autorité de Santé of protecting the most vulnerable people from the disease.

Other good news: in recent days, France vaccinates much more than Germany or Italy.

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If the country catches up, the campaign may nevertheless experience a brake on the coming days: of the 1.35 million people who received the first injection of the vaccine, just under 14,000 people received their booster.

It will therefore be necessary to reserve doses in the coming weeks for all French people who have already received an injection.

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, recalled that the time between two injections could not exceed three or four weeks.