Rising housing prices in school districts have occurred in many cities.

The Paper News reporter noticed that some netizens recently left a message on the 12345 Government Service Through Train column on the official website of the Hefei Municipal Government, suggesting that "Hefei housing prices will skyrocket in 2020, and there will be serious speculation for small apartments. It is recommended to cancel the admission qualification for small apartments."

  The netizen said: “Looking at the news reports, the unit price of a small apartment school district in Hefei is as high as 70,000 yuan per square meter. Since the beginning of this year, the small apartment school district has been speculated, ranging from 3 to 41,000 square meters to 70,000 yuan. Square, the price is staggering, the pre-tropical zone has moved the entire Hefei property market and market expectations. Many of them are more than 20 square meters, more than 30 square meters, 40 or 50 square meters. Such a small house is frequently sold and sold. It is all about the concept of hype school district. The hype of housing prices in Hefei started with small units, which completely violates the spirit of not housing speculation. It is strongly recommended that units below 60 square meters be disqualified for enrollment. Without these small units, housing prices in Hefei will cool down. Back to reason."

  In response, Hefei Education Bureau and Hefei Housing Security and Real Estate Administration responded on January 28:

  1. According to Article 4 of the "Compulsory Education Law", all school-age children and adolescents with the nationality of the People's Republic of China, regardless of gender, ethnicity, race, family property status, religious beliefs, etc., have the right to receive equal compulsory education in accordance with the law.

In order to ensure that students in the compulsory education stage are exempted from examinations and enroll in the nearest school, Hefei City residents’ children’s enrollment practices "two unanimities" (the household registration of school-age children and adolescents is consistent with the household registration of their parents or other legal guardians and is a separate household; The enrollment method is based on the household registration and real estate address, which has nothing to do with the real estate area and family property status.

If you need further consultation, please call the Department of Basic Education, Municipal Education Bureau, Tel: 63507802.

  2. The Municipal Housing Security and Real Estate Administration will work with the Municipal Education Department to strengthen research and implement precise policies based on market conditions, curb investment speculation, and promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market in Hefei.

  The Paper reporters noticed that the local government has taken some action recently on the issue of rising housing prices in Hefei.

  According to Anhui Business Daily, on December 31, 2020, the Hefei Housing Security and Real Estate Administration made it clear: “During the verification of eligibility to purchase a house, retrospective payment of personal income tax or social security payment certificates will not be recognized.”

  Immediately afterwards, on January 1, 2021, the Hefei Municipal Housing Security and Real Estate Administration once again said: "In view of the current real estate market situation, the Municipal Housing Security and Real Estate Administration is strengthening overall research and making policy reserves."