The cultural and civilizational rift and the opposition of two absolutely opposite worldviews are becoming more and more obvious to me.

On one side are conservatives, supporters of traditional values ​​(family, marriage, parents, faith, culture, knowledge, history, health, sports, etc.).

These are those who rely on reason, science, logic.

On the other, left-liberal movements and minorities (BLM, LGBTKIAPP +, same-sex marriage, body positive, parent A and parent B, etc.).

Their instrument is emotions, distorted or perverted perception of reality.

The family for them is a place of patriarchal oppression, an anachronism, a source of domestic violence and evil.

Classical culture was created for discrimination and humiliation, and it should be replaced by a "culture of abolition".

All white people are a priori racists, and the only thing they should be allowed is to repent.

These are the new fanatics - loud, aggressive.

People with a victim complex.

There is a fierce struggle between them and the conservatives around the world.

In the United States, these liberals have now gained the upper hand, their agenda is being promoted at the state level - this is one of the priorities of the current Biden administration.

Officially announced.

This fashion, like a dust storm, covered Europe.

Some have caved in (Great Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands), others still resist at the state level, defending their conservatism (Poland, Hungary and a number of other countries).

How long will it last, considering what powerful resources are being spent to overcome such views?

These new liberals filled the vacant left-wing niche after the Marxists in the early 1990s.

They have their own religion, their theorists, preachers, heroes, faces.

They have different ideas about good and evil, about good and bad, about norms, about boundaries, about decency.

And for the supporters of everything traditional, their world seems to be turned upside down.

Take George Floyd to the USA.

A man who committed five crimes, betrayed, betrayed all his accomplices, was sentenced to five years in prison - he is a hero for them.

He is taken to be buried in a snow-white carriage in a gold coffin with a police escort, carried to the mausoleum to the accompaniment of a brass band, Joe Biden himself delivers the memorial speech, everyone rushes to kiss the soles of the dark-skinned boots, kneels and repent.

And for comparison: Ashley Babbitt, a senior pilot in the Air Force, who for 14 years defended the interests of the United States in hot spots, received a dozen awards, a medal of merit, now for her own country she is the personification of an "internal terrorist."

Minorities are now being pulled into power - not because the specialists are good, but because they are from minorities.

This becomes the main selection criterion.

New Assistant Secretary of Health Richard Levine is the first transgender person in the history of the American government.

There was an adult married man who raised two daughters with his wife, and then suddenly he decided to change sex, now he (a) will be responsible for medicine.

Transgender people are now in sports - this is one of the first decrees of Biden.

Men who have changed sex can compete in disciplines with women.

But biologically, they are still stronger, which means they will win.

And these American transgender athletes will probably be sent by the United States to international competitions, because Biden promised to promote the idea of ​​such equality in the world.

This means that the United States will put pressure on the IOC and other organizations to change the rules of the game.

All this will put an end to women's sports.

A powerful campaign to promote all these pseudo-values ​​has been going on for several years, just now it has become especially noticeable.

Actress Rosanna Arquette tweeted in 2019: “I hate that I was born white with privileges.

I'm so ashamed".

All this is distributed globally in the press, in educational institutions, in the government, in the arts.

Here is just a small fraction of the fruit.

Great Britain.

The University of York called the image of three monkeys with closed ears, eyes and mouth as an exploitation of racism.

Although, in fact, this is Japanese or even Chinese wisdom about protection from evil, which in our country usually sounds like "I see nothing, I don't hear anything, I won't tell anyone."

The University of Leicester will no longer teach the work of the father of English poetry, Geoffrey Chaucer.

Too white.

All medieval literature will fly out of the program.

It will be replaced by a decolonized curriculum, courses on aptitude, race, origin, sexuality and diversity.

In Cambridge (who would have thought) they decided to erase Beethoven from the culture.

It is his fault that his works have become the emblem of the superiority of white wealthy conservative men.

I will not refrain from quoting: "For women, LGBT people, people with a different skin color, Beethoven's symphony can be a reminder of the history of exclusion, the elitism of classical music."

Don't laugh, they are in all seriousness!

In the Netherlands, they renounce their golden age because the state flourished during colonies and forced labor.

There, not only the statues are being demolished, but more than a hundred masterpieces of the Golden Age artists have already been renamed in a new, politically correct way.

"Young Negro Girl" became "Young Girl with a Fan."

In Belgium, in the wake of BLM protests, busts and monuments to their king Leopold II were demolished, during which the country made an economic breakthrough and built most of the famous palaces and buildings.

In Ghent, three days ago, they also decided to rename the avenue, named after the monarch.

And in Brussels, one of the popular clothing stores organized an advertising campaign throughout the city - they put posters on the sidewalks (at the level of the eyes of children), where two young guys, teenagers, passionately kiss.

The French university world is under siege by a radical militant ideology that came from the United States, a kind of leftist racism, or racism on the contrary.

In one of the most prestigious institutions, the Institute for Political Studies (Sciences Po), there is already a whole galaxy of associations of blacks, immigrants from the Maghreb and just Muslims.

All of them consider themselves to be oppressed, victims of whites and do not allow them to attend their conferences, because: "The White simply cannot understand us."

They also offer to organize additional courses for whites, where they should be explained why they are all racist.

These people are so active that they managed to impose books for reading on the university.

So, in the list of recommended reading for students suddenly appeared "How to become anti-racist", "White fragility", "Why I no longer talk with whites about race", "Me and white supremacy."

They easily disrupt events that are undesirable for themselves.

In Bordeaux, the conference of philosopher Sylvian Agachinsky was canceled due to LGBT threats, she called it an intellectual terror of groups that do not tolerate criticism.

The Sorbonne called it racist and canceled the staging of the tragedy of the ancient Greek Aeschylus "The Petitioner".

In Reunion, the island's history teacher was put in a wheel, because she is white and, according to disgruntled groups, has no right to teach history, since she was not born on the island.

Nobody rereads them, nobody stops them.

The leadership of the leading French institutions has brought themselves to self-censorship, so as not to anger all these minorities once again, otherwise they will be accused of racism, fascism, Islamophobia - and then an end to their careers will be put.

The coup has already taken place.

Whereas earlier universities in France influenced the thoughts of students, now the opposite is true: the left forms the way of thinking of the entire university.

But the future political elite is being trained there.

The same Sciences Po graduated from Mitterrand, Chirac, Hollande, Macron, 13 French prime ministers, 12 heads of state and government of other countries.

Conservatism, of course, still resists: 76 educational institutions have signed a petition against this state of affairs.

But if after a while this movement still prevails in France, what will become of its culture and history?

You can, of course, say: "Yes, God bless her, France, what do we need?"

But this dust storm from the West continues to blow persistently in our direction, the sand makes its way through all the cracks, through all platforms, social networks and movies.

If we underestimate the threat today, then we risk ending up on the outskirts of the conservative world tomorrow, although now we still have every chance of becoming its leader.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.