Faced with the circulation of the British variant of Covid-19, which is more contagious, the hypothesis of a third confinement is emerging.

It will even be "inevitable", warns Gilles Pialoux, head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at Tenon hospital in Paris, on Europe 1. 


The coronavirus continues to circulate in France.

According to the latest figures published by Public Health France, more than 26,500 cases have been recorded in 24 hours and the upward trend in hospitalizations of Covid patients continues with 2,842 patients currently in intensive care.

The new English variant, more contagious, worries.

At this stage, it represents 1.4% of the total daily contaminations, but if its circulation increased, a new containment would become "an absolute necessity", warned the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran.

A concern shared by Gilles Pialoux, head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at Tenon hospital in Paris, on Europe 1. 

"There are measures to be taken, it is inevitable," he warns.

"It is the date that must be politically decided, and the geography. Are we addressing all French people? Certain populations?"

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