Alain Frèrejean, the great speeches of the presidents of the United States

Audio 48:30

Cover of Alain Frèrejean's book "The great speeches of the presidents of the United States" © Archipoche 2021

By: Jean-François Cadet Follow

50 min

Historian Alain Frèrejean presents 52 major speeches by American presidents, from George Washington to Donald Trump.

Reflections of the great currents of American history, they reveal in a revealing way the stakes of the electoral campaign of 2020.


On this investiture day in the White House, it is through the history of the United States, and also that of the world, that we take you today.

A story in words, since it is through the words, those of the presidents, that the historian

Alain Frèrejean

will guide us.

From those of Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence to those of Donald Trump, passing by George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Reagan or Barack Obama, many others, back to a few speeches that tell America.

“The great speeches of the presidents of the United States”, by Alain Frèrejean is available from Archidoc.

At the end of the program, the music chronicle of

Alain Pilot


He presents “Tonus” the 4th Old School Family album released by Pleins Poumons Productions / Take It Easy Agency.


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