The 20th is the "great cold", which is said to be the coldest time of the year with 24 solar terms.

At a shrine in Akita City, a "Dahan Misogi" was held in which priests cleanse themselves with cold water.

Dahan Misogi is held every year by a group of young priests in Akita Prefecture to purify themselves and pray for the safety of society.

This year was held at Hiyoshi Shrine in Akita City with the participation of six male priests. First, the priests were uplifted by a Shinto ritual called the "Tornoiwakusufun", which repeats the movement of rowing a boat.

Then, while making a loud shout and enthusiastic, he was purifying himself by pouring the water that had been squeezed into his body.

The temperature in Akita City at 6 o'clock when the Great Misogi was held was minus 2.6 degrees Celsius, and the priests were shivering in the cold and wearing water many times.

Mr. Tomoyasu Hirohata, who participated, said, "I hope that the new coronavirus will subside as soon as possible. I hope it will be a healthy and good year."