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Other topics:

Are there already parallels to the “New Market” in 2000?

In the new episode, Deffner & Zschäpitz will discuss how to invest your money solidly over the long term.


The social media hype in just a few days: The Clubhouse audio app can do that.

Also: The MDAX is celebrating its birthday.

And individual stocks in the check: how much potential there is in Bayer stock.

The outgoing US President Donald Trump gets the “bear” of the week for his economic and financial policy from “Bulle” Deffner.

And the Bitcoin hype continues and is again causing a lively discussion.


are like real life.

Like optimist and pessimist.

In the weekly WELT podcast, journalists Dietmar Deffner and Holger Zschäpitz discuss and argue about the important economic issues of everyday life.


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Further episodes of Deffner & Zschäpitz

Who says nobody can listen anymore?

The two WELT journalists Dietmar Deffner and Holger Zschäpitz listen and argue every week as bull and bear about the truth in the economic podcast - and bet on it.

And they found a lot of listeners - because it's always about how much the economy shapes our lives.

And how to get not only smarter but also richer.

This week the 139th episode of Deffner & Zschäpitz was published.

The podcast is available from and everywhere you can find good podcasts.