Xinhua News Agency, Nanjing, January 14 (Reporter Wang Jueping) In 2021, the "Sky Screen Drama" will be splendid, with meteor showers, planetary moons, super moons, and solar and lunar eclipses staged in turn.

Experts in popular science and calendar calculations from the Purple Mountain Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences selected a "2021 astronomical calendar" and recommended 8 most "spectacular" astronomical events. You should not miss it if you are interested.

  According to Hu Fanghao, director of the popular science department of the Purple Mountain Observatory, the three solar and lunar eclipses this year are "the highlight."

According to the forecast of the Purple Mountain Observatory, a total lunar eclipse will be staged on May 26, starting at around 17:45, and the whole process will last about 3 hours and 8 minutes.

This lunar eclipse coincides with the "super moon", and most parts of our country can see the scene of "the moon rising with eclipse".

If the weather is fine, you can see a red moon leaping out of the horizon in some areas, and a "missing moon" rising in some areas.

  An annular solar eclipse will be staged on June 10, and partial solar eclipses can be seen in Beijing, Tianjin, Hohhot, Changchun, Chengdu, Lhasa and other places in my country.

Take the Beijing area as an example. The start of the solar eclipse is about 19:29. If the weather is fine, the public can see the sun slowly setting with a corner missing.

  A partial lunar eclipse will be staged on November 19, which will be visible in most parts of my country except for some western cities.

The maximum eclipse of the lunar eclipse was 0.978, which started around 15:18, and the entire lunar eclipse lasted 3 hours and 29 minutes.

The moonrise time in Beijing is at 17:00 that day, and it is about to eat.

If it is fine, a bright red moon in the lower right corner can be seen rising from the horizon near the north-east.

  There are more than 30 meteor showers in 2021, of which the three most noteworthy meteor showers in the northern hemisphere.

In addition to the quadrant meteor shower that has been staged on January 3, the other two are the Perseid meteor shower peaking on the night of August 11-12 and the Gemini meteor shower peaking on the night of December 13-14.

These two meteor showers ZHR (the hourly flow rate when the radiant point is assumed to be at the zenith at maximum) can reach about 100 and 150 respectively, and there may be bright fire meteors across the sky, which is very exciting.

  There are many planetary conjunctive astronomical phenomena, and sometimes there will be special scenes of multiple stars accompanying the moon and moon occluding Mars.

On March 20th, Mars will conjoin the moon. On that night, the two "red stars" of Mars and the star Aldebaran will appear with the moon. There is another "red star" Betelgeuse a little further away. The public is expected to witness three red stars "at the same time as the moon". frame".

On December 3, Mars conjoined the moon. Before dawn on that day, the public could see that the moon and Mars were gradually approaching. In areas such as Jiuquan, the moon could cover Mars in the early morning.

  In addition, the Mars alloy star will be staged around 15:00 on July 13, when the apparent distance between the two planets is only 0.5 degrees. After sunset, the public can see Venus and Mars very close together. To the naked eye, the two planets are only about one full moon apart.