Registered in the USA, but stretching out their hands to the whole world, technological giants with the code name "Zuckerberg" (ie Facebook, Twitter, Google) have shown themselves over the past week, as Yu.M.

Luzhkov, "Powerfully and kindly."

Actually, they have sometimes shown themselves before, but still not powerful enough.

Whereas after January 6, all restrictions were lifted.

The demonstration "Our Strength, Our Will, Our Power" was all-encompassing.

"From now on, we ourselves will decide for you what to tweet and whether to tweet at all."

How, after such a strong application, the process of chirping will develop in the United States itself, we do not know.

The victorious Democrats proclaimed: “We came to joke not joking” - and withstand the revolutionary step with great firmness.

No one in Russia could have foreseen the further scope of events in November 1917.

Ditto for the US in January 2021.

On the other hand, if there is no desire to intervene (and it seems that there is not), then in general we do not care about overseas miracles.

Here the policy is purely defensive.

To put a cordon sanitaire (aka "quarantine") so that we ourselves are not hurt.

And how the citizens of the Plagued States will be judged and judged is their business.

On February 28, 1933, a decree "On the protection of the people and the state from insidious encroachments" was issued in Germany, and no one intervened, abroad took it as a fait accompli. 

Another thing is that the very name "technological giants", "big-tech" etc.

indicates that the activities of the Zuckerbergs are not limited to the United States, but are global in nature.

And therefore, the protection of democracy from insidious encroachments can take place anywhere in the world.

This was said with great approval ten years ago, at the height of the "Arab Spring" and Twitter revolutions, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Accordingly, the powers are now in thought.

If the Zuckerbergs behave in this way towards their fellow citizens, including the President of the United States, then what could prevent them from using the means at their disposal in relation to citizens of other countries?

Including the most senior citizens.

In different countries, people may think differently.

To the Chinese comrades, the Zuckerberg is not thunder from the cloud.

You can treat the politics of the Chinese walls in any way, but it is obvious that tech giants, if they wish to spread democracy in a tried and tested way, in China will come across a tough answer: "You can't get here."

Therefore, Chairman Xi can watch what is happening in the field of information technology quite distantly.

While other powers are forced to think seriously:


if we are born to take over everything,

If only we could borrow from the Chinese

Wise their ignorance of the Zuckerberg. "

Especially if the holiday of democracy is on the way in these countries and the Zuckerberg, if they do not cut their veins, will certainly run to the rescue.

We have a holiday in Russia scheduled for September, when the elections to the Duma are coming.

One can assess the importance of the parliament in national politics in different ways, but that all kinds of Navalny and their associates will try to make a big gevalt out of the elections - this is undoubtedly.

Moreover, using all available means, including the Zuckerberg.

Therefore, preventive measures are likely. 

But not only in Russia.

Elections to the Bundestag are expected in Germany in September.

It is natural to help the Germans to make the right choice, and to isolate the wrong forces.

But what the Germans themselves think about this is not entirely clear.

Moreover, the help of German democracy can be fulfilled with the hippopotamus grace that is often found overseas.

German bosses have something to think about. 

And then comes France, where presidential elections are expected in the spring of 2022.

Macron sits there very loosely, different combinations are possible, and the intervention of the giants will be very useful in order to provoke the already provocative Frenchmen.

So, perhaps the current triumph of the Zuckerberg in 2021 will turn into great trouble for them.

For one thing is abstract talk about freedom of speech, here you can argue: "Look at yourself!"

And a completely different matter is the threat that good overseas savages will get into intimate political processes with their dirty boots.

Here the powers can behave very decisively.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.