The "Lego Masters" candidates take on the bricks -


  • The first season of 

    Lego Masters

     draws its bow this Tuesday evening on M6.

  • For four weeks, the public developed a passion for the constructions of the eight pairs, even if it means dreaming of imitating them.

  • The readers of 

    20 Minutes

     recount how the program led them to buy or find Lego.

It is colorful, it sometimes sparkles and it can even come alive: for four weeks, the brick reigned supreme over the evenings of M6.

Over the course of the events, the eight

Lego Masters


impressed the public with their phenomenal constructions, like the motorized boards at the launch of the show or the world record broken during the second premium.

Prodigious performances which have led viewers to ask themselves the question: what if I had been in their shoes?

Well if he had been on set in front of the M6 ​​cameras, the

Lego Masters


wouldn't have done much!

This is the observation made by the readers of

20 Minutes

who responded to our call for testimonials.

"If the show undeniably gives you the desire to make Lego constructions, I note above all that I am incapable of such technicality and creativity", comments Sébastien.

“I don't have 1/10 of their know-how.

And 0 imagination.

I follow the instructions for use ”, notes Dirk Kuijte on Twitter.

Buying in a store or rummaging in the attic?

First step in trying to imitate the candidates of the game: own a Lego box.

For that, there are those and those who brought out their old boxes from the attic, and the others who crossed the door of the stores.

"After seeing the show, my boyfriend and I bought a box of Lego with the crazy hope of having so much talent," says Claire, without specifying if she too managed to put a weight of 500. kg on a brick bridge.

Another viewer, Camille, bought a Yoda to build it yourself while her father "brought out his old Lego".

Father of two daughters aged 6 and 11, Olivier could not stop his children in their new passion.

“After watching the show in replay, they go up to their room to have fun building things with their bricks.

The younger of the two has even asked us for additional Lego boxes for her birthday in over two months, ”he says.

Same story with Guillaume and his sons, who take out the boxes and try to recreate the events at their level.

“I've always been a Lego fan but my sons are in another dimension, they only play that,” he replies, proving the timeless nature of the game.

Building is not just for children.

Ludovic, he did not wait for the broadcast of the show to find this Madeleine de Proust who helped him get through the first confinement.

"For fear of a new confinement and in my collection whims, I just bought a few boxes on sale," he says.

But it's really addicting: buying a set really makes you want to buy another one and so on ... "And our reader does not thank the show, which makes him" want to do it. always more.


What if there was a season 2?

Lego Masters


however, expressed some reservations if the program was entitled to a second season on M6.

Some people would like to see, for example ... Even more bricks!

"I like this show but the life of the competitors, their moods, their thoughts, that does not interest me so I skip all in replay to go directly to the time of the presentation", testifies Pragmatilogic.

"For a Lego enthusiast like me, I regret that the reality TV side takes a little too much over the Lego side", adds Fabidelle.

Sébastien, he really liked the program broadcast in the second part of the evening called

Extra Brique

, especially for the little tutorials offered by the brickmasters.

“Waiting until 11:30 pm to learn how to use bricks and tenons correctly is a bit overkill,” he regrets.

So I dream of a season 2 with a tutorial part.

»Buying Lego, why not, but knowing how to stack them is still better.


"Lego Masters": "In the works of the candidates, there is an emotional charge that touches me", says Eric Antoine


"Lego Masters": More than two million bricks and a dream board for young and old

  • M6

  • Television

  • program

  • Lego